
About Me
When You Are Accused of Driving Drunk

Drunk driving is a very serious problem in our society, but occasionally law enforcement goes overboard as it seeks to round up people who have broken the law by driving while intoxicated. If you believe you have been falsely accused of drunk driving, you can do a lot to protect your freedom. My name is Michelle, and I work as a defense attorney. Here in my blog I am going to give you the reasons why you may be falsely accused of drunk driving and teach you exactly what to do if you find yourself in this very difficult situation.


Ready To Rant? Think Carefully Before You Post In Order To Avoid Federal Charges

27 September 2016
 Categories: , Blog

It's easier than ever to lose your temper and let everyone know it all at the same time through the magic of social media—however, if you communicate the wrong thing, you could easily end up facing federal charges. While the First Amendment protects free speech, that protection only goes so far. This is what you need to know about how to avoid turning a Facebook rant into a criminal case before you post. Read More …

Understanding Your Right To Remain Silent

16 August 2016
 Categories: , Blog

If the police are investigating you regarding potential criminal charges, it's likely that you will be facing all sorts of questioning. You may not have been arrested at the time, which can make your rights during the investigation period even more confusing to you. A couple of situations will be running through your mind during questioning. You'll most likely feel pressured to answer all of the questions being asked of you, but you want to avoid making a mistake that can potentially incriminate yourself. Read More …

Four Ways A DUI Attorney Can Help You After Your Arrested

22 July 2016
 Categories: , Blog

If you have been arrested for driving under the influence, you may think there is no reason to have an attorney, especially if you know you're guilty. After all, what are the chances of an attorney getting you out of this problem that you created? But there are many things that an attorney may be able to do to alleviate the situation, even if if falls short of being found not guilty or having the charges dropped. Read More …

Refuting Common DUI Myths

14 April 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Having too many drinks before getting in the car to start driving can be a serious mistake for a person to make. In addition to the enhanced risks of being in an accident, you may also be charged with driving under the influence, and this charge can carry extreme consequences. Unfortunately, it can be fairly common for individuals to be relatively uninformed about these alcohol-related driving charges, which can make them susceptible to believing the following two myths about this type of criminal charge. Read More …

3 Restraining Order Myths And The Facts Behind Them

24 February 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Restraining orders are a common court-issued document, but especially considering how common they are, there are a surprising number of myths surrounding them. Below are three common restraining order myths and the facts behind them. Myth: All I Need to Obtain a Restraining Order is My Word Fact: While you won't be needing to convince a jury in order to obtain a restraining order, you will be required to convince a judge. Read More …